• She completed her undergraduate studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry between 2007 and 2012.
• In 2013, she started her specialization training at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, with success in the Dental Specialization Examination (DUS).
• In 2017, she obtained the title of “Specialist in Prosthodontics” by completing her dissertation entitled “Comparison of Optical Properties of Ceramic Materials of Different Structure with Dental Enamel.”
• In 2018, she continued her academic and clinical studies as a lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry of Başkent University, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry. She participated in numerous international conferences and symposia. She has participated in many other national and international congresses and symposiums on aesthetic dentistry, digital smile design, dental implants, porcelain laminates, maxillofacial prostheses, clenching, and joint problems.
• In 2021, she became the founding partner of Art&Smile Dental Clinic with Dr. Fatih RASIM and Dt. Zeynep ÇAKAR.
• She is a member of the Turkish Dental Association (TDB) and the Esthetic Dentistry Academy Association (EDAD).
1. Oğuz Ece İrem, Erdoğ Özgür Merve, Sungur Sercan, Üçtaşlı Sadullah (2020). Impact of multiple firings and resin cement type on shear bond strength between zirconia and resin cements. The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 12(4), 197-203, Doi: 10.4047/jap.2020.12.4.197
2. Oğuz Ece İrem, Kiliçarslan Mehmet Ali, Erdoğ Özgür Merve, Orhan Kaan, Shujaat Sohaib (2021). Comparison of Marginal Adaptation of Different Resin-Ceramic CAD/CAM Crowns: An In Vitro Study. Journal of Advanced Oral Research, May;12(1):112-118.
3. Erdoğ M, Arifağaoğlu Ö, Karabekmez D. Bruksizm teşhis ve tedavisi üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar: Derleme. Turk J Clin Lab 2019; 10(2): 251-258.
4. Üçtaşlı S, Erdoğ M. CAD/CAM Tekniğinde Kullanılan İndirekt RestoratiF Materyaller. Nigiz R, editor. Protetik Diş Tedavisinde CAD/CAM Uygulamaları. 1. Edition. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2018. p.40-8.
5. Üçtaşlı S, Erdoğ M. Farklı CAD/CAM Materyallerinde Simantasyon Teknikleri. Nigiz R, editor. Protetik Diş Tedavisinde CAD/CAM Uygulamaları. 1. Edition. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2018. p.1-10.
1. Üçtaşlı S, Erdog M, Goker G, Turkoz Y. Predictable restoration for extensive crown loss: fiber post-core supported high strength full ceramic crown restorations. (Oral presentation)
21st Balkan Stomatological Society Congress
12-15 May 2016, Banjaluka, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
2. Üçtaşlı S, Erdog M, Translucency of lithium disilicate ceramic material with respect to thickness. (Oral presentation)
22nd Balkan Stomatological Society Congress
4-7 May 2017, Thessaloniki, GREECE
3. Erdog M, Üçtaşlı S, Lassila L, Vallittu P. Lityum disilikat cam seramik materyalde glaze materyalinin translusensi parametre (TP) değeri üzerine etkisi.
(Effect of glaze material on translucency parameter (TP) of lithium disilicate glass-ceramics) (oral paper).
TDB 23rd International Dental Congress
21-24 September 2017, Istanbul, TURKEY
4. Yılmaz U, Erdog M, Uctasli S. İki implant destekli overdenture uygulamalarında karşılaşılan komplikasyonlar. (Oral presentation)
(Complications related with two implaNt retained overdentures)
TDB 23rd International Dental Congress
21-24 September 2017, Istanbul, TURKEY
5. Erdog M, Üçtaşlı S, Lassila L. Diş renginde indirekt restoratif materyallerin 3 nokta gerilme test tekniği ile dayanıklılıklarının karşılaştırılması..
(Comparison of tooth-colored indirect restorative materials with 3-point tensile test technique).(Oral Prensentation)
TDB 24. International Dental Congress
27-30 September 2018, Ankara, TURKEY
6. Yilmaz U, Üçtaşli S, Erdog M, Lassila L. Farklı yapıda diş renginde indirekt restoratif materyallerin ultraviole yaşlandırma önce ve sonra yüzey pürüzlülük (ra) değerlerinin karşılaştırılması. (Oral presentation)
(Comparison of surface roughness (ra) of different types of tooth colored indirect restorative materials before and after ultraviolet aging)
TDB 24. International Dental Congress
27-30 September 2018, Ankara, TURKEY
7. Üçtaşlı S, Erdog M, Bozkurt P. Comparison of two different unsplinted attachment systems for mandibular two implant retained overdentures. (Oral presentation)
1. International Congress of Preventive Dentistry
5-8 March, Erzurum, Turkey
8 Erdog M. Clinical evaluation of ceramic laminate veneer restoration applications. (Oral presentation)
6th International Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology Dicle
Symposium 2-4 November 2018.
9 Oğuz Ece İrem, Erdoğ Özgür Merve, Sungur Sercan, Üçtaşlı Sadullah (Comparison of Bond Strength of Different Resin Based Adhesive Cements on Polycrystalline Ceramic Surface.
TDB 25. 25th International Dentistry Congress (Abstract/Oral Presentation) 2019
1. Üçtaşlı S, Ekici Z, Erdoğ M, Bozkurt P. Single implant support for bilateral distal extension removable partial denture. Poster presentation
22nd Balkan Stomatological Society Congress.
4-7 May 2017, Thessaloniki, GREECE
2 Üçtaşlı S, Goker G, Erdoğ M. Rehabilitation of an anterior maxillary defect with an implant-supported removable partial denture. Poster presentation
21st Balkan Stomatological Society Congress
12-15 May 2016, Banjaluka, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
3. Erdoğ M, Yılmaz Ü, Kansu G,Kaya İ. The role of primer stability immediate loading of single tooth implant: Case report. Poster presentation
8. PIEG Congress
19-22 May 2016, Antalya, TURKEY
4 Üçtaşlı S, Göker G, Erdoğ M. Single implant-supported overdenture: For edentulous patients: a systematic review 2010-2016 Poster presentation
8. PIEG Kongresi
19-22 Mayıs 2016, Antalya, TÜRKİYE
5. Erdoğ M, Üçtaşlı S. implant retained removable partial denture with bar attachment: A 1-year follow-up case report. Poster presentation
8. PIEG Congress
19-22 May 2016, Antalya, TURKEY
6. Erdoğ M, Akat B, Çakar Z. Multidisciplinary approach in congenital maxillary posterior deficit. Poster presentation
22nd International Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology (TPID)
2-15 November 2015, Antalya, TURKEY
7. Erdoğ M, Bayrak A, Oğuz İ, Kaya . Anterior single implant supported restoration in esthetic zone. Poster presentation
7th PIEG Congress
22-25 April 2015, Antalya, TURKEY.