What is Total Prosthesis?

The total denture, which fits on the toothless jaw, provides an appearance and function similar to natural teeth. It fits tightly in the mouth to provide support for the soft tissues underneath the prosthesis.

What are the advantages?

  1. Aesthetic Appearance: Total dentures provide an appearance similar to natural teeth and help you achieve a beautiful smile.
  2. Functional: Dentures allow you to easily perform daily activities such as chewing, speaking and laughing.
  3. Safety and Comfort: Dentures offer safe and comfortable use as they fit tightly in the mouth.
  4. Accessibility: Total denture treatment is a suitable option for replacing missing teeth and is more accessible than other treatments.

Who is it suitable for?

Total denture treatment is a suitable option for people who have lost all their teeth or need them removed. In cases where other dental treatment methods are not suitable, it is possible to obtain an aesthetic and functional smile with total dentures.

Regain the smile!

What is the Occlusal Vertical Dimension?

Occlusal vertical dimension refers to the vertical distance between the upper and lower jaws. This distance is critical for chewing function and facial aesthetics. Correct occlusal vertical dimension is essential for the health of teeth and jaws. However, over time, changes in this size may occur due to tooth loss and jaw joint problems.

What is Occlusal Vertical Dimension Rehabilitation?

Occlusal vertical dimension rehabilitation is a treatment process to reestablish and balance this vertical dimension. This process aims to ensure correct jaw relationships and restore oral functions. It is usually performed using various treatment methods such as dentures, implants or orthodontic devices.

What are the advantages?

  1. Oral and Dental Health: Correct occlusal vertical dimension improves chewing function and the health of the teeth.
  2. Facial Aesthetics: The correct vertical dimension helps balance facial lines and provides a youthful appearance.
  3. Psychological Effects: Aesthetic and functional improvements increase the patient’s self-confidence and positively affect their social relationships.

Who is it suitable for?

Occlusal vertical dimension rehabilitation may be appropriate for people with missing teeth, jaw joint problems, or other oral health problems.


Occlusal vertical dimension rehabilitation is an important step for a healthy mouth and an aesthetic smile. Correct vertical dimension is essential to restore oral functions, improve facial aesthetics, and improve the patient’s overall quality of life.

What is Temporary Prosthesis?

Temporary denture is a type of prosthesis used to temporarily replace missing teeth. It can be used as a temporary solution during dental implant placement or after tooth extraction. Generally, temporary dentures are used to provide temporary aesthetic and functional support until the healing process of the dental implant is completed.

What is Permanent Denture?

Permanent prosthesis is a type of prosthesis designed to permanently replace missing teeth. Permanent prostheses are generally applied after the healing process of the implants is completed. Permanent dentures fixed to dental implants offer a solution that looks and functions like natural teeth.

What are the advantages?

  1. Aesthetic Appearance: Both temporary and permanent dentures offer an aesthetic appearance similar to natural teeth and perfect your smile.
  2. Functional Stability: Dentures improve chewing function and improve speech quality.
  3. Easy Application: Prosthetic application is usually completed in a short time and the patient can see the results immediately.
  4. Long-Term Solution: Permanent dentures offer a long-term solution by being fixed with implants.
  5. Maintaining Bone Health: Implants prevent the loss of bone tissue by increasing the pressure on the jawbone and support the jawbone to remain healthy.